Monday, December 15, 2008

Some really cool things have been happening here in Wisconsin. We are meeting new people all of the time. I work with a guy that I have a lot in common with. We both like 80's metal and hair bands. It is so neat to see how God takes conversations about who is singing lead in Boston now, and sculpts them into spiritual conversations.

One of the greatest things God is teaching me right now is how gigantic the scope of the mundane is to Him. Shane Claiborne in his book Irresistible Revolution, describes the summer he spent living and working with Mother Theresa. One of Momma T's (as he calls her) favorite sayings is "We do not need to do great things only small things with great love." I'm convinced more and more that this is what God wants from us as we make our spiritual journeys here on this planet. Whether it is a conversation about the guitar stylings of Richi Sambora or serving the neighbor across the street by helping them with their snow blowing (Which I have yet to do). We need to be available to do small things with great love every single day.

There is no greater feeling than to wake up and recognize that you are living in a strange land. To daily be aware that anything of spiritual weight of eternal consequence that happens through the day will be absolutely dependent on the action of God. It is great to start your day with that overwhelming feeling that if God doesn't "show up" that you will be powerless to bring change around you. Here I have no contacts, no influence, no network to form a community of people from. All we have here is God and a handful of new friends who love us deeply and are passionate about what we are here to do. But every day that pushes us to fall in front of God and ask for His movement throughout the day. That's a pretty good place to be in my opinion. In fact that is the place we are all at. Sometimes, if your hard headed like me, we just need some of our comfort zones ripped away to remember just how much we need Him. I hope daily I will learn to let God use me in small ways to do things with great love. I hope I will recognize that the mundane is major to Him. And, I hope to see God do things that are huge with the tiny mustard seeds of trust that I learn to daily offer Him.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hey family and friends. I thought I’d take a moment to give you a quick church planting update. The beginning of our putting down some roots here in Saukville has been kind of like a roller coaster. Bailey and I were able to make it to a Packer game this weekend. That was an experience of a lifetime. There are lots of moments like that, that God has given us that brings great joy. The flipside of the coin is this “Pioneer” church planting as they call it is hard stuff. Pioneer planters move to an unfamiliar area, begin to build relationships, and eventually plant a church there. We are meeting lots of new and nice people which is what we are here for. That’s the great part.

Our first Thanksgiving away from family and friends was really hard. We have great friends here in the McCaskills and the Martells. Bill and Kathy let us do Thanksgiving with their family which was so encouraging and much needed during a time of tough transitions. Still our first Thanksgiving without MeMaw’s dressing at Danell’s Mom’s and not getting to see all the Parker clan we see only twice a year was a little sad. Danell and the girls are troopers but this move has really been tough on them. As most of you who know me well know, I try to stay positive about where we are in life, but I mention all this because we really covet your prayers right now. Just keep praying for encouragement and friendships for Danell and the girls. I need wisdom in knowing what job I should settle into. I have a couple of options now, which is great, but we want to know which is best.

It’s a weird thing. Our lives right now are kind of like they are plugged into an amplifier. The highs are much higher and the lows are much lower. Everything, for lack of a better term, is ….well amplified. Thank you all so much for your prayers, we sense them like never before. Everyday God seems to just pour Himself out in my time spent with Him. For that I’m so thankful. He is faithful and has great plans ahead for us. We are growing with every trial we face. Whatever happens here in Saukville, Wisconsin I’m convinced that God is going to be at work in some real and powerful ways. We sure love you guys. Thanks for your friendship, prayers, and continual encouragement. Our Arkansas friends, new Wisconsin friends, and those of you scattered all over the globe mean so much to us. God bless.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I will never forget my first trip deer hunting. I was invited to hunt on a friend’s cousin’s family land. It was very early morning, we were all walking quietly through the woods to our stands and suddenly this flash of brown and white bounded into the trail several of us were walking. This deer immediately turned running down the trail away from us. Before I could, think, look, or even aim, I hurled my shot gun into the air and fired. Of course I missed and thankfully so. The deer was a doe, it wasn’t doe season, the hunter’s morning was pretty much ruined, and I’m sure I was voted most popular by this deer hunting family that hardly knew me.

This morning I was reading in Psalm 11 about how God loves “righteous” deeds and how the “upright” will behold God’s face. What an awesome invitation from God. Basically if we are righteous we will experience God, face to face, up close and personal. I’m coming to believe that righteousness is more about aim than it is about adherence to a code. Sort of like deer hunting.

I don’t know about you but the word righteous has always evoked one of two emotions in me. One, I picture Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s world saying things like “Righteous guitar solo duuuude!” The other I picture Pharisaical types looking down their nose at the rest of us saying you should be “righteous” like me…and God. So if you have to be righteous to see God, that has never sounded very appealing to me.

So today I thought I’d do some research on the word righteous. I had the time since my current occupation is church planter (ie unemployed). For the Jews being righteous is much more than living by a code or set of rules and regulations. The words righteous and upright were used by the Jews to mean pretty much the same thing. To live “strait.” They saw righteousness as something God has and allows to flow into our lives. God even said Job was “perfect” in righteousness. That doesn’t mean he was sinless it just means he let God flow into every arena of his existence. All parts of Job’s life were open to God.

Being righteous happens when people let God flow though their lives at every level. It is living “Strait”; pointed toward a purpose. It means aiming God at every corner of your life and pulling the trigger. Righteous living is getting up every day and having a target. It is not wildly shooting at life from the hip. It is not vainly attempting to shoot down every thing that pops up in our path through the day. It is getting up and knowing God is our target and letting him permeate everything we do through the day.

I once saw a bumper sticker that said “I missed my ex-wife…but my aim is getting better.” I sure hope my aim is getting better as I get up and try to target God each new day. Here’s to daily target practice, lots of misses, a few bulls eyes, but ever increasing accuracy in our walk.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are Cheese Heads!

We are officially residents of Saukville, Wisconsin. I spent this morning hanging out in Carol’s Coffee shop, what is sure to be my new haunt, talking with some new friends. We are settling in to our new neighborhood.

We had a rough couple of days transitioning to life in Wisconsin. In fact the night we arrived we couldn’t find our street. The reality hit us that we were about to be living on a street we had never been to in a house we had never seen. We were all a little overwhelmed the first night and into the second day. In fact we discussed just not unloading the Uhaul and turning around and going back to Arkansas. Thank God we didn’t.

Our friends Bill & Cathy, Dave & Sue, and Tim & Lisa came on Sunday and moved us in. They hoisted all our heavy junk, including a piano, up and down two stories and a basement. They even brought us homemade food and gave us a love gift from New Life Community Church. God has so blessed us by having friends like those at New Life.

After the first couple of days here Bailey and Maizey have already made several friends. The kids on our block all come out and play after school everyday. We live at the top of the tallest hill in our neighborhood. Needless to say that attracts all kinds of kids on bikes and skateboards.

The neighbors have been great. Coming over and welcoming us to the community, bringing us bread and treats for Tallulah. There is a real community feel in this area. I’ve already met some great people and think I will meet many more.

I start sometime in the next couple of weeks with UPS working as a Driver Helper over the holidays. Hopefully that may turn into something full time. Thanks for all your prayers family and friends. We are reaping the results of them like never before in our lives. And, I say that from the bottom of my heart. We love you and will keep you posted. By the way, it has been in the 70s but we are due to get some snow on Friday…Here we go with our 1st Wisconsin Winter.

Here we are in front of our Townhouse. We have great Landlords. John and Sue. Say a prayer for them this week. John is battling Leukemia and Sue is having surgery tomorrow. I think we have landed exactly where God wanted us to be. God bless.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I like to Move it Move it!!!

Hey family and friends. We are finishing packing the last of our boxes today. Tomorrow, Thursday the 30th we load the U-Haul and early Saturday morning we are hitting the road. We will be off line a couple of weeks while we make the move to Wisconsin but will update you with pictures and progress once we arrive. It will be strange to wake up this Sunday morning as residents of Saukville, Wisconsin. We believe God has good things ahead of us. Please pray for us as we will for you. God bless, we will talk again soon.

Friday, October 24, 2008


This morning I was sitting out in the cool morning air writing in a journal a friend gave me for logging our church planting journey in. I decided to start with the complete story of how God got us to where we are today.

As we draw near our actually moving day, Oct. 30th, we are beginning to face some of the strongest emotions we have ever had. Quite honestly I have had feelings lately of just calling this whole thing off. When I look at the ‘factors’ the future seems bleak. Factors like cost of living, no job yet, living in a town house next door to your landlords with two loud kids, 1 piano, 2 guitars, one set of drums, and a 120 lb. dog. We have grown accustomed to living in our own place by our own rules. Pile on top of that the prospects of starting a church comprised of people I’ve never met before and it all gets a little overwhelming.

I’d pull the covers of my heart back and let you see more but honestly I’m tired of crying and you would probably get tired of reading. So this morning as I reflected back on where this all started eight years ago, God really reminded me of some things. About five years ago God placed in Danell and I the desire to start a new church. A church that would be for people who don’t go to church or may never even think about church. We tried lots of avenues for getting started in doing that but none of those roads seem to lead anywhere, until…. One afternoon we sat in the kitchen of our church parsonage and listened to a tape by Rick Warren about how God called him to strike out to a place he’d never been before and start a church unlike any before it. As we sat crying in our kitchen. We knew what God was saying it was time to do. Shortly after that we left our church, our home, our income and set out to start a new church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Those who know our story know that God had a plan slightly different from ours. We ended up starting X perience, a Saturday night service for spiritually confused searchers.

What God really hit me with this morning as I wrote in my journal was profound for me. The first time I set out to do this I didn’t really have any more blanks filled in than I do now. The only difference was the last time we rolled the dice we landed on home. This time we’ve landed on the other side of the playing board. Over the last four years, after striking out into the unknown, we have bought our first home, renovated it into just what we dreamed it could one day be. We have built deeper friendships than we have ever had anywhere before. We’ve seen God change peoples lives completely around. We have friends who will spend eternity with us that would not have four years ago. I’ve made better money than I’ve ever made in my life. And I’ve learned more in the last four years than in the 34 that preceded them combined.

God hit me this morning with the reality that He is always there. What overwhelms me now will one day be stones stacked along side the road or in the river bed that will serve as reminders of all God did along the way. I pray you and I will trust Him for every step of the journey in front of us. He is always faithful. God, help me never forget that when the clouds of life block my view of You. We love you guys. By the way, we sense your prayers like never before. Please keep them coming. Thank you so much for your faithfulness, friends and family.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We are go for launch

Astronauts train for years to hear those five words. It is the dream of many pilots to leave the pull of earth’s atmosphere and rocket into the vast vacuum of space. I wonder what it must feel like to strap on 165,000 lbs. of Space Shuttle and wait for several hours to be shot into space at 17,500 mph.? I think it is probably terrifying, exciting, nerve twisting, and exhilarating all at the same time. You’ve trained for years for this moment. But, as you feel the rocket thrusters begin to kick in and that voice in your ears count off the final ten seconds of what has taken 15 years to happen, you must have a flood of emotion. I wonder if you think of Challenger and how it exploded before it escaped Earth’s atmosphere? Or if Columbia’s disaster over the skies of Texas flashes through your brain?

This weekend we seem to have gotten the word that we are go for launch on our church planting journey. I’m hesitant to say “We sold our house.” We’ve learned over the last month these things have a way of getting Scrubbed on the launching pad. But, it seems like this time we really are about to launch into a whole new world for our family. We have been in training for this moment for around eight years now. That’s when we first began to feel God was leading us toward church planting. With all the excitement of preparing to live out your dream sometimes you don’t stop to think of what it will be like when the thrusters kick in and God begins to propel you at a high rate of speed into the very thing for which you’ve been preparing for years. Thoughts of fear, failure, DISASTER flash before your eyes. You begin to wonder what if this thing all blows up around me? And when you look around the cockpit and see your wife and two little girls you realize how high the steaks really are.

But, with all the pre-launch jitters we feel like God has called us to this adventure, we are strapped in, and all signs are the final count down has begun. If all goes according to plan we will be making the move to Wisconsin sometime around the end of October. Thank you for your prayers family and friends. Please keep them up. This time it truly seems that we are go for launch. I’ll update you late with details. Houston, unless we have a problem, my next post may be from the great state of Wisconsin…GO PACK GO!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Most likely you have never heard the name Clarence Brazier. Clarence is not a celebrity, a politician, a war hero, or an internationally known figure. Clarence is an ordinary man who accomplished an extraordinary thing. Clarence grew up and lived his life in Canada. Because of his background and upbringing Clarence never learned to read. He struggled through life job after job finding work that didn’t require him to read. His wife of over fifty years, Angela, read him every single piece of mail, tax forms, magazines and all other print materials that came to their home. Sadly, Angela passed away leaving a now 93 year old Clarence alone. That is when Clarence decided to do the impossible. At age 93, with the help of his daughter, a school teacher, Clarence set out to learn to read. By age 95 Clarence was reading. By age 100 Clarence received an award from the Canada Post for his unbelievable accomplishment.

This morning I was reading in Ezra. Ezra is a book in the Bible all about God’s people Israel returning from being exiled for years in a foreign country. The book tells the story of how when they returned home God led them to rebuild their most sacred place of worship, God’s temple. The weird thing is who kicked this whole project off. It wasn’t Moses, Joshua, David, or one of the Old Testament all stars we’ve heard about. It was a guy named Cyrus. Cyrus was as Persian King. Did you get that? He was not even a Jew. But in the first chapter of Ezra God says this about Cyrus. “that the word of the Lord…might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia.” God took this man who would be the last person on the planet to build a temple for the God of the Jews and “stirred up” his spirit to do as Jerry Reed says “what they say can’t be done.”

Sometimes planting a church in a “foreign land” (a place where we know hardly anyone) seems impossible to us. But, “With God, all things are possible.” If you are staring down the barrel of an impossible situation in your life right now there is something you and I would do well to remember. When God has something he wants done he can make the impossible happen to get it done. He can stir hearts that you and I would never think could be stirred. If you feel like the road in front of you is impossible then pick up your foot and take that first step of faith. Soon you will be walking that road and realize that nothing is impossible. If you don’t believe me, just ask Clarence Braizer.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Holding Pattern

Don't you love when you're on one of those flights where the pilot comes over the intercom and says something like "I'm sorry for the delay folks but we are in a holding pattern over the city. We are going to be a little late in reaching our final destination." You get that sinking feeling that you are stuck, flying in circles for who knows how long. We are currently in one of life's holding patterns. Thank God we finished the work on our house, have it listed in the paper and have the signs up in the yard and in our neighborhood. We even put out flyer's in an info. tube complete with pictures and a web site to visit,, for any of you who know someone who's in the market for a home.

But now we have come to the waiting; the holding pattern. We have had several walk throughs and one legitimate offer that ended up not working out. We are waiting. I hate typing those three words. Waiting is hard, it's annoying, uncomfortable, emotionally draining. But, waiting is where God does some of His best work on us. While we are waiting, He is working. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that. Please pray for us while we wait. And if you are waiting let us know so we can pray for you. If you are currently stuck in a holding pattern try and remember that while you are waiting He is working.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Church Planting News

I just have to say a huge thank you to all of our church planting partners. God is using your prayers and will soon be using your financial support to do great things in planting churches in Wisconsin. I wanted to give you all a quick update on what has been going on with our move to Port Washington, Wisconsin to plant a church.

As of this week our house is officially on the market and up for sale. That in itself is huge load off of our shoulders. We now are waiting for it to sale. So all your prayers for God's timing on that are greatly appreciated.

Our original goal was to move to Port sometime in August or September. Things have gone a little slower than we hoped but God works on His schedule not ours. Our re-adjusted target date is now hopefully to be moved no later than the end of October.

For those of you who are partnering with us financially in this church plant I can't thank you enough for your already generous and faithful giving. The money you have invested is accumulating in an account and will be put to great use in the 1st year of our church getting off the ground. There will be lots of initial expenses that a new church like this one will incur. We will have to purchase things like sound equipment, a trailer to transport the sound equipment, building rental, and advertising, all in our first year as a new church. Therefore, if you began your giving commitment period in August or before we are so thankful and your gifts will soon be having kingdom impact.

We will send out another newsletter with some specific prayer concerns soon. We love you all and thank you for your investment in our lives and others spiritual future.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

You're My Best Friend

It’s been a while since my last post, sorry. We have been busy getting our house ready to sell. Last night I had a sobering thought come to my mind. We did a huge youth event at our church. Many of our friends were involved in either the planning or the worship band that played. As I prayed with the band before we got underway the reality that this would be some of my last days with these guys began to set in. These guys have become like a band of brothers to me. The two Justins, Jon and Melissa, Will, and others will no longer be people I see week to week.

We are so pumped about starting this new church in Wisconsin and all that God has in store for us. But starting in the next couple of months my longstanding support network of passionate Christ followers is going to go from a mass of guys we have gotten close to over the years to a handful of guys I’m just now getting to know. And the cool new friends we’ve made already in Wisconsin all live in other cities. Our first year could be tough on our encouragement level. I don’t usually ask you guys to do STUFF for me but this is some STUFF I really, really need from you.

What I really need you guys to do for us is shoot me emails or call me up. When God says something to you about us in prayer or a scripture comes to mind, PLEASE send it along to us. We will need the encouragement, I’m sure. I’m really going to miss all of our friends here. But God has great things in store. For those of you who don’t have it our email address that will remain the same is My cell is (870) 718-5314. Text me, Call me, or email me a word from God any time you feel He is leading you to do so. I’m sure we will need it just when you send it. Thanks for such great friendships guys. We really love you all.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is this thing on?

Hey church planting partners. I'm checking to make sure you receive an email every time I update the blog. I thought this would be yet another way to keep you informed of what is going on with the church plant we will be doing in Port Washington, Wisconsin. So if you received an email notifying you of this post would you click the "comments" link below and let me know you were invited to the blog via-email. Thank you guys for your continuing prayer and support. We will keep you posted as things progress.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Movin on Up

I thought I would let you guys know where we are in the process of "moving on up" to Port Washington. We are attacking the finishing touches on getting our house ready to go on the market. We have been laying carpet, painting, cleaning, and boxing up all of our junk to store in my parents shop. In the midst of all this we are going to go to Centi-Kid for a week as chaperons. So we realistically hope to have our house on the market no later than the 1st of August. This is where you come in. Please pray for God's timing and blessing in the sell of our home. Thank you guys for all your prayers and encouragement. If people were energy drinks our friends would all be..."Rock Stars." I know thats lame, but seriously, you guys rock!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Building Materials

I haven’t posted in a while. We have been working on our house with every available moment. The push is on to try and get it ready to go on the market. The sooner we sell the sooner we will be able to make the move to Port Washington. We have spent the last week painting over all the brightly colored rooms that we have enjoyed for the last few years. Our old floors are now covered with either laminate wood flooring or carpet. Pretty much every room in the house is now a somewhat neutral color. The thing the “experts” say when trying to sell a home is that you want people to be able to picture themselves living there. For that to happen you have to strip out all the clutter and put up only the basics. Your home needs to be a neutral shell, housing only what you need to function day to day.

All this home un-improvement has caused me to think back over the basics in my own life. We all have what many call core values. Core values are more than just things you believe in or claim to believe in. Core values are those principles that guide your life. You are so passionate about them that you are willing to live and die by them. They are who you really are. We have been putting some of our core values on paper over the past year as we are forging a mold of what our new church needs to look like. I thought I might share a few with you and would love to hear some of yours if you care to comment.

The church we are starting will have etched in its D.N.A. certain values of key importance.

We believe in creating an environment where people are genuinely loved and accepted no matter where they are currently on their spiritual journey.

Church should be a safe place to connect with God and make new friends without being judged or manipulated.

God has created us to do things that are beyond the scope of our wildest dreams. We only need to plug into a relationship with Him to begin to see those dreams take shape.

Authenticity is central to a church. We believe in being real, being ourselves. No pretending to be more religious than we really are.

Relevance is a relative term (ha.ha.) We will always adapt to remain relevant to our culture and the people in our community.

The fun factor is huge here. Church should be fun. It should be encouraging, inspiring, challenging, and a myriad of other things but if it isn’t fun we’ve missed something.

Dream big or go home. We will dare to do things that seem impossible. God constantly challenges us to do things big enough that we can’t possibly do them without Him.

Well, there are a few of our core values, let me hear a few of yours.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Port Washington Trip

We are back from our trip to Port Washington. Let me just say WOW! What an amazing place. Port Washington reminds me of a small ocean side resort town, only it's on Lake Michigan. Our girls fell in love. They even asked if we could have our dog Tallulah delivered up by their Grandparents and go ahead and move in. This was above all a real time of conformation for us. We took the plunge to push toward Port months ago. But to go and actually see where we will be and meet people that live in the area was really one of those mountain top (or in our case lakes side) moments with God. We met some really cool people there. I met a guy who taught me all about how to fish for Salmon off the beach. One night we made a new friend with a really neat Buddhist guy. And our last night we had this God encounter with a lady from Nashville living in Wisconsin now. She encouraged us and I think we encouraged her a little as well. If you guys would, say a prayer for us about employment there and finding a home in Port. Also we need our house here in Pine Bluff to sell to get this ball rolling. We are looking for God's timing in all of that. Thanks so much for all your prayers.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Road Trip

We are taking the fam to Port Washington this Saturday to check out where we will be moving soon. Say a prayer for us if you think of us anytime between Saturday the 14th and Thursday the 19th. We pray God will meet us there and do His thing while we are on our trip. Thanks guys.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Are you a Lucy?

My family took me to the Rave Monday night to see a movie for my Birthday. I love block busters and had trouble deciding what to see because of all the great films out this summer. I’d narrowed it down to Iron Man, Speed Racer, or Prince Caspian. Based on the strong urging of my kids and a great review by my friend, veteran church planter, Jeff Noble, I chose Prince Caspian. WOW, am I glad I did. Although I’m a huge C.S. Lewis fan I wasn’t bowled over by the first Chronicles of Narnia movie. Let me just say this second in the series delivers a knock out punch.

I don’t want to give anything away for you if you haven’t seen it. But, consider this a small spoiler alert. Lucy is the smallest of C.S. Lewis’ characters that travel back and forth between our world and Narnia. But, little Lucy has the biggest faith of the cast. In a grand scene of epic proportions Lucy is standing on a bridge facing off an army of iron clad soldiers barreling a full pace on their mighty Stallions. In slow motion Lucy reaches into her scabbard and pulls out a tiny sword, about the size of a kitchen knife. As this insignificant little girl wields her less than magnificent sword the army screeches to a halt. The camera cuts back to Lucy and then begins to zoom out into a panoramic shot. There beside here stands Aslan. If you didn’t know Aslan is the Lion King of Narnia, the figure that pictures God in this timeless C.S. Lewis series.

As I watched that scene unfold I thought about how much I feel like Lucy in this church starting adventure. Very small, very unequipped, very overpowered. Put with one turn of life’s lens I see at my side our Aslan, Judah’s Lion King, the Prince of Peace. Our King is the one who’s roar sends demons running, and walls crumbling, and storms subsiding. You might be a Lucy like me. But we have King at our side that reigns over all the land. Take your tiny knife and wield it proudly before all that oppose God’s best for you. You and I are warriors and we have epic scenes ahead to live out in our lives.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Gardening 101

A few years ago we planted a garden. Our garden was AMAZING! It produced a bumper crop and we did little more than pull a few weeds out when it got overgrown. The next year we planted again, pulled a few weeds again, and waited on our second bumper crop. NOTHING! I began to ask gardening people in our church what happened. What I found was this. In year one our garden grew because the land we planted it on had not been planted in years. It was fertile ground that had lied fallow for a long time. In year two we needed to not only weed the garden but, fertilize before and after planting. It would have taken a lot of work that year for our garden to be successful again.

Churches are much like gardens. Years ago in America you could hold church services, have an old fashioned revival, Preach the Word and people would come, lives would be changed, great things would happen. We were in a time of great spiritual fertility in America's soil. Now, its not that easy. We have to do things that connect with this generation of young America. We have to build community with them, build trust, create a comfortable, safe environment where spiritual seekers can find hope, help, God. Our message has not changed. God has not changed. It is still the same Spirit that draws people, the same gospel that is power unto salvation, the same Jesus that transforms. But, to introduce people to that God that radically loves them, our approach honestly takes a lot more work.

The church we will be starting in Port Washington will be geared toward connecting with spiritually confused people. All we do will be aimed at and geared toward connecting with people who are not familiar with church and are disconnected from God. Planting new churches is a lot like planting a garden. It is hard work. It takes time, dedication, investment in the soil. We have been learning over the last few years hands on what people need to thrive spiritually. Please pray for us as we do the work required to grow a brand new church. We are praying for a bumper crop.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K."

That is one of my favorite lines from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. If you have never seen the movie..."It's Excellent." (Guitar Riff here, for those of you who have seen it.) Bill and Ted are invited by a time traveling George Carlin (Rufus) to go back in time, collect historical figures from the past, and pass their history report so they can become future world leaders in a world that is driven by their rock band, Wyld Stallions. All this action takes place in a time traveling phone booth that appears at the Circle-K gas station where Bill & Ted hang out.

Lately I feel like Ted did when they first meet Rufus in the parking lot of the Circle-K. "Strange things ARE afoot at the Circle-K.", or at least at the Parker house. God has done so many things over the last couple of weeks to confirm His call for us to Port Washington, and into the world of church planting. People we have never dreamed would or could, have come to us and said they want to partner with us financially in the work we will be doing there. We have a long journey ahead but God has been showing us already He is there ahead of us working. I've been praying that God would prepare the fields of Port Washington for a harvest. I've prayed for relationships to be established, harvest workers to emerge, people to come to know Christ as we build relationships there. All God is doing on this end now lets me know He has already begun doing those things in Port Washington. I can't wait to see how all of this goes. Thanks for your prayers and support family and friends. Good things are on the horizon. I have had several people asking how all this church planting "stuff" works. Next post I will try to fill you in on some of the details of what kind of church we will be planting and how it will all work.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And away we go...

We are on our way to Port Washington, Wisconsin. Wow, just about a year ago God began the process of leading us toward this small corner of our great nation to start a brand new church. We invite you to come along for the ride. If you want to know what's happening, what's next, or what we are beginning to dream of, we invite you to frequently visit The Parkers Page. Currently our lives have been shifted into "Maximum Overdrive." As I type this Danell is washing our cabinets, one of the many steps in preparing put our house on the market. Our plans are to be living in Port Washington by late August or early September. Currently we are enlisting prayer and financial partners from the many family, friends, and others God has woven into our hearts. Already God is doing amazing things. For those of you who have already decided to partner with us, we can't begin to thank you enough for your faith and generosity. This is quite literally the most exciting, heart pounding, yet terrifying thing we have ever done. Keep dropping by and we will keep you posted on all that is going on along the way.