Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 is underway

It is hard to believe that we have spent over one year now in Wisconsin. So much has happened. We are keyed in on a location for the start of The Journey Church. This new church will be a satellite, of sorts, partnered with our current church New Life Community Church in Plymouth. The Journey Church will be coming to Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, hopefully as early as next Fall. We are calling it the church for people who don’t like church. So many people in our culture today have problems, issues or distrust of organized religion. We like to think of The Journey Church as disorganized religion with a very specific purpose. That purpose is to take down as many barriers as we can that stand between so many people and church.

The Journey Church will be a place where people can approach God without being judged, hassled and hopefully without being bored. If you are not comfortable in most churches Journey may be just the place for you. We hope people from all kinds of backgrounds will attend. Journey will truly be a place where you can come as you are. We believe all people are on a spiritual journey. So whether you are a skeptic, an un-convinced observer or a fully devoted follower of Christ you will feel right at home. Questions about God, faith and spirituality will not only be tolerated but welcomed.

At Journey we believe God radically loves people, all people and has an awesome plan and purpose for everyone on the planet. We look forward to getting to know the people of Falls and hope to make many new friends as The Journey Church begins its journey next Fall. Thanks to all of our friends, family and faithful supporters for all you are doing to make The Journey Church a reality.

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