Astronauts train for years to hear those five words. It is the dream of many pilots to leave the pull of earth’s atmosphere and rocket into the vast vacuum of space. I wonder what it must feel like to strap on 165,000 lbs. of Space Shuttle and wait for several hours to be shot into space at 17,500 mph.? I think it is probably terrifying, exciting, nerve twisting, and exhilarating all at the same time. You’ve trained for years for this moment. But, as you feel the rocket thrusters begin to kick in and that voice in your ears count off the final ten seconds of what has taken 15 years to happen, you must have a flood of emotion. I wonder if you think of Challenger and how it exploded before it escaped Earth’s atmosphere? Or if Columbia’s disaster over the skies of Texas flashes through your brain?
This weekend we seem to have gotten the word that we are go for launch on our church planting journey. I’m hesitant to say “We sold our house.” We’ve learned over the last month these things have a way of getting Scrubbed on the launching pad. But, it seems like this time we really are about to launch into a whole new world for our family. We have been in training for this moment for around eight years now. That’s when we first began to feel God was leading us toward church planting. With all the excitement of preparing to live out your dream sometimes you don’t stop to think of what it will be like when the thrusters kick in and God begins to propel you at a high rate of speed into the very thing for which you’ve been preparing for years. Thoughts of fear, failure, DISASTER flash before your eyes. You begin to wonder what if this thing all blows up around me? And when you look around the cockpit and see your wife and two little girls you realize how high the steaks really are.
But, with all the pre-launch jitters we feel like God has called us to this adventure, we are strapped in, and all signs are the final count down has begun. If all goes according to plan we will be making the move to Wisconsin sometime around the end of October. Thank you for your prayers family and friends. Please keep them up. This time it truly seems that we are go for launch. I’ll update you late with details. Houston, unless we have a problem, my next post may be from the great state of Wisconsin…GO PACK GO!