Some really cool things have been happening here in Wisconsin. We are meeting new people all of the time. I work with a guy that I have a lot in common with. We both like 80's metal and hair bands. It is so neat to see how God takes conversations about who is singing lead in Boston now, and sculpts them into spiritual conversations.
One of the greatest things God is teaching me right now is how gigantic the scope of the mundane is to Him. Shane Claiborne in his book Irresistible Revolution, describes the summer he spent living and working with Mother Theresa. One of Momma T's (as he calls her) favorite sayings is "We do not need to do great things only small things with great love." I'm convinced more and more that this is what God wants from us as we make our spiritual journeys here on this planet. Whether it is a conversation about the guitar stylings of Richi Sambora or serving the neighbor across the street by helping them with their snow blowing (Which I have yet to do). We need to be available to do small things with great love every single day.
There is no greater feeling than to wake up and recognize that you are living in a strange land. To daily be aware that anything of spiritual weight of eternal consequence that happens through the day will be absolutely dependent on the action of God. It is great to start your day with that overwhelming feeling that if God doesn't "show up" that you will be powerless to bring change around you. Here I have no contacts, no influence, no network to form a community of people from. All we have here is God and a handful of new friends who love us deeply and are passionate about what we are here to do. But every day that pushes us to fall in front of God and ask for His movement throughout the day. That's a pretty good place to be in my opinion. In fact that is the place we are all at. Sometimes, if your hard headed like me, we just need some of our comfort zones ripped away to remember just how much we need Him. I hope daily I will learn to let God use me in small ways to do things with great love. I hope I will recognize that the mundane is major to Him. And, I hope to see God do things that are huge with the tiny mustard seeds of trust that I learn to daily offer Him.